This post is older than 12 months. Some information may therefore be outdated.

Sexual harassment – part of gender-based violence in the workplace

The problem has proven to be very widespread with great suffering for individuals and costs for employers in the form of ill health, costly investigations and reduced efficiency. It is against equality and equal development.

Based on a gender perspective, the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Knowledge compiles knowledge about which factors in the work environment entail increased risks of being subjected to harassment due to gender. The results will be presented in a systematic litteratature review “Sexual harassment – part of gender-based violence in workplaces” which will be presented in the spring of 2025.

The overall aim of the work is to, based on a gender perspective, contribute knowledge about which work environment factors entail increased risks of being exposed to harassment due to gender. To effectively prevent gender-based violence, this knowledge is necessary to be able to design measures in the right way.


Research in recent years has shown how sexual harassment thrives in abusive and unequal work environments. We see that there is a need for an increased understanding of how a gender-aware work environment work can contribute to workplaces free from harassment.

Important to prevent and remedy existing problems

The project also contributes important, new knowledge about how shortcomings in the work environment, with a focus on gender and equality, affect the emergence of gender-based violence.

It also provides insights into which measures are important to prevent and remedy existing problems. In this way, work environment legislation and discrimination legislation can better complement each other.