For a healthy and sustainable working life
At the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise we collect, compile, and communicate knowledge of what constitutes a good work environment and how that correlates with employee-health, company productivity and profitability.
More about usThe Impact of Work-related Crime on the Work Environment
Work-related crime has severe consequences for individual employees and society, and the problem has received widespread attention both within and outside the Nordic region. For those who work where this type of criminality occurs, it can deteriorate the work environment. The Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise has, therefore, initiated a systematic literature review.
Read moreMapping the Culture of Silence in Workplaces
What does the term “Culture of Silence” mean, and how does it impact employees in Swedish workplaces? The Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise taken the initiative to broaden and compile knowledge about this phenomenon.
Read moreThe Environmental Work Resulted in Safe Patient Handling and Movement in the Lung Department
The Lung Department at the Cancer and Pulmonary Care Unit in Region Östergötland chose to participate in a research study, the Patient and Workers Safety Study (PAWSS).
Read more about their work Read the guideSwedes’ Attitudes and Knowledge about Work Environment Examined
How important are work environment issues to the Swedish population? The agency is now launching a project to examine attitudes and knowledge about the work environment among the Swedish public.
Read moreHow Equality Between Women and Men is Affected by Remote Work
On behalf of the Swedish government, we compile knowledge about how remote work affects gender equality in the labor market.
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