
For a healthy and sustainable working life

At the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise we collect, compile, and communicate knowledge of what constitutes a good work environment and how that correlates with employee-health, company productivity and profitability.

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Occupational risk prevention at platform work

Platform work is a rapidly growing sector, which increases the need to understand and manage the occupational health risks within the area. In a new international collaboration, we are compiling knowledge related to platform work to map out specific occupational health risks and health-promoting factors.

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Safe patient handling and movement

Safe patient handling and movement- A researched-based guide for a better work environment.
The purpose of the guide is to describe how employers and employees within healthcare, ambulance care, home nursing, personal assistance can work together to ensure safe patient handling and movement.

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Low Awareness of the Work Environment for People with Disabilities

The knowledge about the work environment for people with disabilities is relatively low. Therefore, there is a need to increase understanding and compile knowledge in relation to the work environment.

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Mapping Health Risks Associated with Physically Demanding Work

In two projects, the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise is compiling knowledge on how prolonged or persistent physically demanding work affects work-related health.

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