
2 posts found
october 2024

Celebrating 50 Years of Occupational Health & Safety Research

eventDate4 October 2024schedule09:30–12:00

Join in person or online to celebrate five decades of high-quality occupational and environmental health and safety research that increases knowledge about and contributes to healthier and safer workplaces. This year, the Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health published its 50th volume. In recognition of this important milestone, they will be hosting a free seminar where leading researchers in the field will share insights on some key prevention successes and discuss the evolving challenges that continue to reshape the occupational health landscape.

3rd International PEROSH Conference on Prolonging Working Life

eventDate2425 October 2024

Due to demographic changes across Europe, often referred to as the ‘ageing society’, there are strong political interests in maintaining the labour force by prolonging working life, through decreasing early exit from work and increasing the actual retirement age. However, exit from work is a complex and dynamic process, involving different factors at different levels (individual, workplace, society).