This post is older than 12 months. Some information may therefore be outdated.

Merry Christmas and a Happy OSH Year!

This year's Christmas gift may not fit in traditional wrapping paper, and is a bit of a challenge to place under the tree, but despite that it is perfectly possible to share with others.

Imagine a workplace where the Christmas spirit of joy and community lives all year round. Such a working environment is not just a dream, but a reality that can be achieved.

Here are three evidence-based reasons why a good work environment is something everyone should want for Christmas:

  1. Makes us healthier – reduces sickness absence

    A well-thought-out and supportive work environment can contribute to reducing sickness absence and related costs. This includes providing resources for mental health, ensuring a good physical work environment and promoting a culture of health awareness. Investing in a good work environment is not only an investment in the health of employees but also in the long-term sustainability of the company.

  2. Engages us – increase productivity and efficiency

    Research shows that a good work environment, which includes a healthy work-leisure balance, ergonomically designed workplaces, and a stress-free atmosphere, leads to higher productivity and efficiency among employees. Investing in the work environment, not only benefits the well-being of the employees but also the company’s results.

  3. Makes us happy – job satisfaction and loyalty

    Research indicates that employees who work in a positive and supportive work environment tend to be more satisfied with their jobs and feel greater loyalty to their employer. This leads to lower staff turnover and strengthens the company’s reputation as an attractive employer. Investing in the work environment sends a strong message that the company cares about its employees’ well-being and career development.

As if the above reasons were not enough to want to invest in this year’s Christmas present, here comes an extra Christmas bonus. There are studies that show that for every euro invested in the working environment, you get 2.2 euros back. In other words, the benefit is greater than the cost when it comes to work environment improvements.

Keep the spirit of Christmas alive all year round with a Christmas gift that simply keeps on giving.

Merry Christmas and a Happy OSH year!

Source: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)