Celebrating 50 Years of Occupational Health & Safety Research

Join in person or online to celebrate five decades of high-quality occupational and environmental health and safety research that increases knowledge about and contributes to healthier and safer workplaces. This year, the Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health published its 50th volume. In recognition of this important milestone, they will be hosting a free seminar where leading researchers in the field will share insights on some key prevention successes and discuss the evolving challenges that continue to reshape the occupational health landscape.


09:30 Reiner Rugulies (NFA): Welcome and introductions
Alex Burdorf (Erasmus Medical Centre): moderation
09:40 Kirsi Ahola (FIOH): Greetings from the Journal’s publisher, NOROSH
09:50 Mikko Härmä (FIOH): The changing business of running a scientific journal
10:10 Reiner Rugulies (NFA): Fifty years of research in SJWEH
10:30 Coffee break
10:40 Maria Albin (Karolinska) From cases to policies: How the Scandinavian disease solved the problem of solvents
11:00 Cécile Boot (Amsterdam UMC): Psychosocial factors at work: veni, vidi, vici
11:20 Annina Ropponen (FIOH): Occupational health research – needed and evolved
11:40 Comments and questions
11:55 Closing remarks