3rd International PEROSH Conference on Prolonging Working Life

Due to demographic changes across Europe, often referred to as the ‘ageing society’, there are strong political interests in maintaining the labour force by prolonging working life, through decreasing early exit from work and increasing the actual retirement age. However, exit from work is a complex and dynamic process, involving different factors at different levels (individual, workplace, society).

Conference topics

  • Hybrid work, remote work, non-standard work arrangements
  • Work factors (ergonomic/mechanical, physical, chemical, biological)
  • Psychosocial or organisational work factors (incl. positive factors, working time)
  • Senior policies and practical implementation of good senior practice in workplaces
  • Skills development and possibilities for changing “track” (other work tasks or job type)
  • New technologies, digitalization, artificial intelligence
  • Age discrimination
  • Individual factors (e.g. health and lifestyle)
  • Health surveillance systems in workplaces
  • Country specific labour market policies related to age (early retirement, unemployment)