Monica Kaltenbrunner, researcher in occupational health science and an analyst at the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise, is the author of the report The Impact of Work-related Crime on the Work Environment. She will present findings from this report, as well as from Perceptions of the Relationship Between Undeclared Work and the Work Environment – An Interview Study Regarding the Knowledge and Experiences of Work Environment Stakeholders.
Carin Håkansta is an associate professor in work science at Karolinska Institutet and a researcher with extensive expertise in occupational health and safety. In the webinar, she will discuss findings from her studies on undeclared work and precarious employment.
Magdalena Lennmarken is a coordinator and police inspector at the Secretariat for Authority Interaction within the National Operations Department of the Swedish Police Authority. She specialises in labor exploitation, human trafficking, and work-related crime. Her work spans both national and international projects, focusing on cross-border crime prevention and targeting offenses such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, and financial crime. In the webinar, she will share her experiences with work-related crime.