Work-related crime and the Work Environment: Insights from Research and Practice

Work-related crime is a growing concern that has serious consequences for the work environment. This webinar will explore the connection between work-related crime and workplace conditions, offering perspectives from both research and practical experiences.


Monica Kaltenbrunner, researcher in occupational health science and an analyst at the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise, is the author of the report The Impact of Work-related Crime on the Work Environment. She will present findings from this report, as well as from Perceptions of the Relationship Between Undeclared Work and the Work Environment – An Interview Study Regarding the Knowledge and Experiences of Work Environment Stakeholders.

Carin Håkansta is an associate professor in work science at Karolinska Institutet and a researcher with extensive expertise in occupational health and safety. In the webinar, she will discuss findings from her studies on undeclared work and precarious employment.

Magdalena Lennmarken is a coordinator and police inspector at the Secretariat for Authority Interaction within the National Operations Department of the Swedish Police Authority. She specialises in labor exploitation, human trafficking, and work-related crime. Her work spans both national and international projects, focusing on cross-border crime prevention and targeting offenses such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, and financial crime. In the webinar, she will share her experiences with work-related crime.